Integrated Energy Systems Act

S. 2702 & H.R. 7247

H.R. 7247


  • Rep. Russ Fulcher (R-ID-1)*
  • Rep. Michael K. Simpson (R-ID-2)*
  • Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-SC-3)


    • 6/18/2020


    • A variation of S.2702 and H.R.7247 were signed into law as part of the Energy Act of 2020

S. 2702


  • Sen. James E. Risch (R-ID)*
  • Sen. Joe Manchin III (D-WV)*
  • Sen. Mike Crapo (R-ID)
  • Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ)


    • 10/24/19


The Integrated Energy Systems Act would establish a program to develop energy systems that can incorporate nuclear power plants with other sources of electricity to maximize the output of all low-emissions technologies. This program would establish clear goals and collaborate across the U.S. Department of Energy, National Labs, Universities, and private industry to demonstrate these energy systems for the production of hydrogen, desalinated water, and other products.


Nuclear power plants provide low-carbon electricity around the clock. Integrated energy systems can leverage nuclear power’s unmatched reliability and provide plants the flexibility to operate at maximum output even when additional sources of energy are producing electricity on the grid. By diverting some of a nuclear plant's output, integrated energy systems can produce other high value products. This can provide a nuclear plant additional sources of revenue while maximizing the use of clean energy.

Today Idaho National Laboratory (INL) has partnered with multiple utilities to pilot hydrogen production facilities at existing nuclear plants. In addition, INL is developing the capabilities to demonstrate these systems and integrate them with the next generation of nuclear technologies. This bill formally establishes a program, with clear goals and milestones, so integrated energy systems can be widely deployed.


  • Establish a program to develop integrated energy systems that can incorporate nuclear energy with other energy sources 
  • Brings together private industry, National Labs, and Universities to meet the program’s goals to develop these integrated energy systems
  • Directs the program to consider how nuclear energy can be used for hydrogen production, desalination, carbon capture, and the production of chemical products
  • Ensures that that there are no undue barriers to deployment of commercial systems by streamlining regulatory reviews and demonstrating systems 
  • Ensures that this program does not duplicate efforts across the Department of Energy and National Labs

View the full text of H.R. 7247

View the full text of S. 2702