Better Energy Storage Technology (BEST) Act

H.R. 2986 & S. 1602

H.R. 2986


  • Rep. Bill Foster (D-IL)


  • Rep. Sean Casten (D-IL)
  • Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler (R-WA)
  • Rep. Anthony Gonzalez (R-OH)


    • 5/23/19

S. 1602


  • Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME)


  • Sen. Martin Heinrich (D-NM)
  • Sen. Tina Smith (D-MN)
  • Sen. Cory Gardner (R-CO)
  • Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE)
  • Sen. Martha McSally (R-AZ)
  • Sen. Angus King (I-ME)


    • 5/22/19


This will reorient the federal grid scale storage research, development, and demonstration program around ambitious technology goals necessary to facilitate important breakthroughs for grid of the future.


This change will create a strong research, development, and demonstration program at the Department of Energy with specific goals for duration while requiring the Secretary to establish cost goals. Passage would encourage all types of grid-scale energy storage technologies, including those that will address long duration and seasonal duration challenges. This will bolster the use of renewable energy technologies that can be used and will help reduce impacts on the environment while ensuring grid resiliency.


  • Authorizes $60 million annually for the program beginning in 2020 through 2024
  • Focuses research and development:
    • Highly flexible power systems with a minimum duration of six hours and with a lifetime of at least 8,000 cycles of discharge and 20 years of operation
    • Long duration storage systems with power output of 0-100 ours with a lifetime of at least 1,500 cycles and 20 years of operation
    • Seasonal storage systems
  • Accelerates testing and validation of energy systems through the National Labs as well as coordination through the DOE, federal agencies and end users.


  • ClearPath Action
  • Energy Storage Association
  • Union for Concerned Scientists
  • Bipartisan Policy Center Action
  • Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions
  • U.S. Chamber of Commerce Global Energy Institute
  • Natural Resources Defense Council
  • Audubon Action Fund, Edison Electric Institute (EEI)
  • National Hydropower Association
  • Solar Energy Industries Association
  • National Rural Electric Cooperative Association
  • Information Technology and Innovation Foundation

View the full text of H.R.2986

View the full text of S.1602