S. 2002

The Carbon Removal, Efficient Agencies, Technology Expertise (CREATE) Act of 2023 establishes the Interagency Group on Large-Scale Carbon Management in the National Science and Technology Council and a Federal Carbon Removal Initiative.


The CREATE Act establishes the Committee on Large-Scale Carbon Management within the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) to coordinate and oversee federal efforts on carbon management. This Interagency Group on Large-Scale Carbon Management would contribute to a broader federal effort of intentional and measured carbon dioxide removal and storage.


The NSTC, established in 1993 by Executive Order 12881, sets clear national goals for science and technology policy and investment while coordinating the implementation of these initiatives across federal agencies. The NSTC also has a central role in facilitating strategies to assist scientific and technological research that benefits America. Carbon dioxide removal (CDR) has always been possible through natural methods such as reforestation, but recent innovation has created technologies which allow us to remove carbon dioxide from our atmosphere in a more timely and efficient manner. Technologies like direct air capture (DAC) are promising due to their ability to remove emissions directly from the atmosphere, not just trap them at the source. National carbon management requires a mix of both natural and innovative removal methods as well as streamlined communication between federal agencies and innovators, something the NSTC historically executes.


The CREATE Act outlines the structure, purpose, and responsibilities of the Interagency Group on Large-Scale Carbon Management. The bill:
  • Defines the purpose of the Interagency Group and specifies a variety of CDR methods the group will consider, including reforestation, ocean-based removal, and innovative technologies like direct air capture (DAC).
  • Establishes four working groups within the Interagency Group to carry out an initiative on technological and detailed research, development, and demonstration of carbon dioxide removal technology.
  • Identifies the role of the group to monitor carbon dioxide levels and environmental impacts and pursue long-term storage solutions for captured carbon.
  • Outlines federal agencies and organizations that would contribute members to the Interagency Group, including the Department of Defense, Department of Energy, NASA, NOAA, and more.


Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ)


Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV)


BPC Action, Carbon180, Carbon Capture Coalition, Carbon Engineering, Carbon Removal Alliance, Clean Air Task Force, ClearPath Action, Environmental Defense Fund, LTC Action, National Wildlife Federation, Stripe, The Nature Conservancy, Third Way


S. 2002


Printable summary of S. 2002